Do you feel like your life is out of balance, your vibration is low, and your dreams are just out of reach?
Do you feel that there is an easier way to get things in your life your life you just can’t pinpoint the issue or what is holding you back?
Do you wish you had a daily practice where you were consistently shining light and brining awareness to your blocks so you can actively heal them?
Are you ready to awaken your serpent fire energy, align your chakras, and manifest with the divine?
Alignment is the Secret to Embodying Divinity.
Eleven years ago, I experienced a profound awakening in myself… an awakening that led to so many wonderful, magical things in my life.
I was able to channel wisdom from higher beings, I went deep into occult study, and ancient yogic practices, and I began refining my manifestations from egoic, materialistic yearning, to a sense of union with everyone and everything.
Since I began implementing these “7 Sacred Laws of the Universe” here are are some of the mystical experiences I have had:
* Healed myself from on “incurable illness”.
* Experienced a sense of belonging and connection with everyone around me.
* Began living in divine partnerships based on alchemic love and consciousness expansion ♡
* Facilitating Kundalini awakenings for soulmate clients.
* The opportunity to share this wisdom with the world (& get paid for it)!
We are Divine Alchemists.
The will of the universe is for us too manifest, to live without suffering. We must remember that we are spirit in form and this body is our temple, the most beautiful technology ever created by spirit.
Most people only want to create things to fulfill their egos. The truth is, the real magic resides in the heart, divine connection with each other, and the planet.
In 8 weeks, we'll use the 7 Sacred Laws of Manifestation to go deep into your blockages represented by each chakra (portal), understand the laws that govern each one, and begin daily practices that assist in integrating you with this new way of existing in reality.
You are beginning to recognize the divinity in yourself, that we are the gods + goddesses, and that everything we need we are already have.
This 8 week course includes; A guidebook with video instructions for each portal complete with a full spiritual practice. We go deep into the corresponding colors, elements, and sacred laws governed by each portal. We use different meditative techniques, kriya yoga, and mantra. Plus each week includes a ritual bath to completely cleanse the portal energetically. Each of these methods are seamlessly designed so that you may immerse yourself in healing each portal. Every week you will notice the healing taking place as you feel more balanced, renewed and back in the rhythm and flow of life. Are you ready to align with your highest destiny and drop into your heart and all its desires?"
Are you ready to learn and apply these sacred laws so that you never get stuck in ego manifestation again?
Are you ready to finally believe that you're worth living the joyful life you deserve with no more excuses?
Trust me when I say your alignment and healing is within reach. With this ancient wisdom guiding you, there is not very much you will feel you can’t have or accomplish when you are complete.
Move From…
Survival Mode → Trusting the Universe will provide Everything
Unconscious Thinking → Co- creative (Daily) Manifestation
Fear + Ego Based→ Whole Living & Expansive Creativity
Whether you just started your spiritual journey or you are deep in your practice — Sacred Portals will provide an enlightening perspective to chakra alignment and kundalini awakening. You will be guided to identify where the blocks are in your energetic field and be given the exact tools to heal them, all the while retraining your energy to reside in the heart, where all great manifestations happen.

We have to be clear and coherent with them in order to live freely. Use the 7 Sacred Laws of Manifestation to find the true power of alignment with the cosmos that has been in you all along. Learn to harness this power for the sake of co creating with the divine for yourself and all of humanity.
In this module we will discuss the root chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal.
In this module we will discuss the sacral chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal.
Sacred Law #3: In this module we will discuss the navel chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal.
Sacred Law #4: In this module we will discuss the heart chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal.
Sacred Law #1: In this module we will discuss the throat chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal.
Sacred Law #6: In this module we will discuss the third eye chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal. Item description
Sacred Law #7: In this module we will discuss the crown chakra, the corresponding color, organ or gland, as well as, the energetic qualities it possesses. You will receive practical rituals, breath work, meditations, affirmations for healing, awakening, and manifesting with this portal.
Over the course of the last decade, Nicole Lenz has helped countless people completely rewire their subconscious and take massive action to achieve the life of their dreams. Nicole’s unique coaching style combines Metaphysics (The science of spirituality and manifestation) with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation (an ancient practice of breath work, yoga, meditation + mantra) to help you get you out of your own way and get you aligned with every single goal and desire that you have for your business, finances, relationships, and health. She has a masters degree in Metaphysics and Energy Psychology and is as an International Kundalini Yoga+ Meditation Teacher, practicing this technology herself for over 20 years.