Created with a deep desire to inspire the evolution of human consciousness through the facilitation of Kundalini Shakti rising experiences and the reclaiming of the forgotten sacred feminine within us all.

So, what does it really mean to reclaim the feminine?
It means you are no longer afraid to look within, you are comfortable with your inner darkness. You honor it, to heal it, clear it, and complete it. You awaken Shakti, the creative force of everything.
It means to realize that honoring our bodies as temples, to align with the inherent serpent power, is the only way to freedom from the ego and the shackles of the maya.
It means to heal our relationship to sex, to fully embody our sensuality, without guilt and shame looming over us.
It means we seek our rawness, our truth, our soft gentle side. To be in that flow state.
It is about reclaiming our intuition, the voice that speaks in the dark.
It means to recognize all beings and nature as one.
It means to live by the cyclical patterns of the moon
It means to use our orgasmic experience and pleasure practice for cosmic manifestation to fully commune with the divine.
HI, I’M NICOLE LENZ… It is my calling to share the ancient wisdom of Kundalini technology with you…
…to pass on the priestess wisdom that we have all forgotten that will allow us to nurture our spirit, soul, + bodies as a temple of the god(dess) once again.
I was blessed by these teachings almost twenty years ago. I had no idea what Kundalini was or the journey it would take me on. The full story of how it all unfolded is nothing short of miraculous, I hope one day I will get to share it with you.
Today I promote heart centered, Shakti awakened living with this profound science and technology. I am so happy you’re here and to get the chance to know you too.