How to Awaken our Divine Feminine Energy
When we awaken our divine feminine aspects we are invoking the characteristics of the Goddess within. Allowing ourselves to express these divine qualities through emanating our spiritual powers and by activating kundalini (Shiva/Shakti) energy within.
Kundalini Shakti energy lies dormant in the base of our spine, each portal opens us to the opportunity of activating more spiritual awareness and different perspective on life.
And when we align ourselves with goddess energy, we shift into receptivity mode and from this space we can manifest our desires effortlessly.
3 things you can do right now to activate your feminine energy are:
1. Begin to heal your negative patterns
Practicing becoming aware of your patterns through surrender, letting go of your old stories of where people have caused you pain. Learning to recognize those experiences as a divine teacher coming to show you the light, through the veils of darkness. It is from this neutral space we can forgive.
We do this by invoking KALI and by confronting the ego- all things keeping us from our goddess selves. The act of confront allows the sleeping serpent energy to awaken and begin to raise up the spine.
A forgiveness ritual can also assist us in forgiveness of the self, not only that, but it cultivates self love which brings more confidence in who we are and how we express ourselves in the world.
To unlock divine feminine energies, you need to heal, release your subconscious programming by acceptance, and release of judgement.
To heal your outdated subliminal programs fully, requires a safe space which is based on trust and boundaries, such as working with a coach or joining a sacred sisterhood.
2. Awaken your creativity.
As our energy begins to raise through up our higher centers, up into the navel (our power center) we begin to see how to the world is creating itself around us as a result of our thoughts, actions, and deeds. This power of true creative energy can seem daunting at first once this realization sets in, however in time, we see this as the most powerful gift we can ever attain!
Awakening this creative energy, in this profound way, is invoking the goddess Saraswati.
Being in control of your thoughts and feelings allows for a relationship with manifestation that once mastered, can create all good things in life that you desire.
3. Open your third eye.
This is when we have full activated our creative divine feminine energy, we are able to connect with source as a celestial command center, willing into our lives all things that serve our higher destiny.
Opening the third eye inspires a vividness in our imagination that can ignite our energy and put us on a path of divine service to others in the same way we have been seeking for ourselves in our past spiritual journey toward awakening. This is Lakshmi energy, abundant energy of all things.
Allow yourself to express yourself in the way the divine wants to express through you… this is true freedom.